Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Now that we have basically finished the Step Daughters bedroom makeover (we are waiting for the carpet install) - I have started to plot the Daughters bedroom.  I would like to wipe it all out in one week.... Can I do it?  I think so.  If I don't start my painting and ripping until the day of the carpet measure - I think I am good.

Paint, and shelving is really all that I have to do.  She will have a new bed and maybe a new cozy chair - but this room makeover should be simple.  Posting before and after shots will be fun....  I have to figure out how to do that.

Long weekend hangover

Is is just me, or are there any other people out here with a 3 day weekend hangover?  I took the kids out to Baltimore yesterday - Daughter had to take pictures for her photography assignment, and Son wanted to just hang with us. 

We ended up at the Baltimore Aquarium ( aqua.org) - and the Dolphin show has changed!  It is different every time we go.  I am impressed - and we noticed that there are smaller fins playing about in the rear tanks.  Have there been new babies added?  I haven't seen anything in the papers or TV news.....  For a holiday, the aquarium was very empty, we have never seen it that clear. 

Fingers are crossed for a new Modem sitting on my front porch when I get home!  I don't think I can live without my internet access at home.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Darn, Darn, darnditty darn darn

Yesterday I blew up my Verizon Fios modem.  How?  I powered up my new Compound Miter Saw and tripped the breaker.  Not a big and powerful Miter saw, a medium size with about a 10 inch blade.  Not a mason saw or anything fancy!  After that, the modem no workie!

NOW!  I have to wait until Tuesday  THAT'S 3 DAYS PEOPLE!!! - without any internet at home.  Well, I can use my blackberry...

So, I am at Barnes and Noble with my daughter accessing the internet and helping her study for Mid terms. 

Honestly, she is shopping for nice notebooks, I'll give her a few minutes before I snap at her for wasting my time.

Friday, January 15, 2010

From my cell phone

Please let it be mine

Enter daily!

My Baby

This is my baby - La Princessa Chula Verde.  She is a Green Quaker Parrot (also referred to a Quaker Parakeet) and she is about 5 months old.  Itty bitty package, whole lotta fun!  She recently learned to say peek-a-boo!!!  I was so tickled!  I have been working on it with her for 2 months now!

Not the smartest or quickest of birds, but she is definitely chock full of fun and sass!


Well, this is new. Let's see what I can get into!